
Using scan results

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File preview

Active@ UNDELETE is an advanced data recovery tool designed to recover data lost or deleted data, or even information from formatted hard disks.

File Preview allows you to view the contents of an image file (jpg, bmp, gif, png etc.) or document before you recover the file.

To open the File Preview panel from any view, do one of the following:

  • Double-click an image file
  • Right-click an image file and click File Preview from the context menu
  • Select an image file and click File Preview from the main toolbar
Preview mode. Active@ UNDELETE

Preview mode

Default preview mode can be selected either as Hexadecimal or Rendered, in which case file will be shown as an image (for graphics files) or rendered by one of the registered file previewers.

Font size

Select size of the font for hexadecimal mode


With this option on files, selected in context source, will be previewed automatically. Toggle this option off if for any reason file preview causes delays in file navigation


In this mode, all registered previewers and supported graphics formats in current system will be shown


Recover previewed file to safe location.

Add to File Organizer

Add previewed file to File Organizer tool.

Inspect file record

Inspect file record in Disk Editor.

Open in Disk Editor

Edit selected file in Disk Editor.

Note: If the preview file is not an image file, it appears in hexadecimal and text mode.

Supported file types

By default, File preview can preview contents of following file types:

  • Microsoft Windows bitmap image file [.bmp]
  • GIF File Format [.gif]
  • ICO File Format[.ico]
  • JPEG File Interchange Format [.jpeg]
  • JPG File Interchange Format[.jpg]
  • Multiple-image Network Graphics [.mng]
  • Portable Bitmap Utilities File Format [.pbm, .pgm]
  • Portable Network Graphics File Format [.png]
  • Netpbm color image format [.ppm]
  • Scalable Vector Graphics File [.svg, .svgz]
  • Truevision TGA File Format [.tga]
  • Tagged Image File Format [.tif, .tiff]
  • Monochrome bitmap forma [.xbm]
  • X Window System image [.xpm]

In windows OS, if registered document previewers are available, File Preview use OS-integrated file preview engines and allows to preview files such as MS Office Documents, RTF texts, PDF document or even small media files. Supported file types for preview are vary for each operating system. Use Info toolbar's toggle to show all registered File Previewers.


File filter toolbar control

Active@ UNDELETE is an advanced data recovery tool designed to recover data lost or deleted data, or even information from formatted hard disks.

The File Filter toolbar is used to organize files in related control - file list or file browser.

File Filter toolbar. Active@ UNDELETE

Case sensitive

Consider case in file filtering

Hide Empty Folders

Hides folders, if their has no filtered files.

By default, the results of a scan contain all files and folders. Use commands in the File filter toolbar to make a large list of files smaller and easier to read.

File Filter Toolbar is used in the following views:

The filtered result may be applicable over an entire list (for example in Search results view ) of within a selected folder (for example in Recovery Explorer view ).

Using File Filter Toolbar

Enter filter pattern in text field and press ENTER key on keyboard pr click Apply Filter button in toolbar. File filter toolbar accepts wildards in filter patterns. Toolbar also remembers the user's search history so the user can easily repeat his search at any time.

For example, if you want to find PNG files on the specific drive you will need to select that drive and type *.png in the toolbar and click on Apply Filter button.

Use semi-column to apply multiple filter criteria, for example: to filter in only PNG and JPG files type in toolbar *.png;*.jpg and press either ENTER or click on the Apply Filter on the right side of the toolbar.

  • To display an unfiltered list, click Show All Files and Folders button.
  • To display only existing files and folders, click Show only existing Files and Folders button
  • To display only deleted files and folders, click Show only deleted Files and Folders button
  • To further reduce the size of a list, enter a pattern in File Filter field and press ENTER key on keyboard. The list displays only those files that match the pattern.


A wildcard is a character that can be used as a substitute for any of a class of characters in a search. Wildcard characters are often used in place of one or more characters when you do not know what the real character is or you do not want to enter the entire name. In Active@ UNDELETE three types of wildcard are used: star or asterisk(*), question mark (?) and number sign (#).

Examples of using wildcards:

Wildcard character Example Description
Asterisk (*) Example Description
Asterisk (*) docum* Use the asterisk as a substitute for zero or more characters if you are looking for a file that you know what it starts with and you cannot remember the rest of the file name. The example locates all files of any file type that begin with "docum" including documents.txt, document_01.doc and documentum.doc.
docum*.doc To narrow the search to a specific type of file, include the file extension. The example locates all files that begin with "docum" and have the file name extension .doc, such as document_01.doc and documentum.doc.
Question mark (?) doc?.doc Use the question mark as a substitute for a single character in a file name. In the example, you will locate the file docs.doc or doc1.doc but not documents.doc.
Number sign (#) doc?.doc Use the question mark as a substitute for a single character in a file name. In the example, you will locate the file docs.doc or doc1.doc but not documents.doc.
Number sign (#) doc_###.doc Use the number sign (also known as the pound or hash sign) as a substitute for a single number in a name. In the example, you will locate the file doc_012.doc or doc_211.doc but not doc_ABS.doc.

Filter detected partitions by certainty

After you complete a scan, detected partitions are listed in order of their certainty status based on attributes and validation level. To make a long list of partitions easier to read, remove partitions with a status of Bad and lower using a filter. To filter detected partitions:

1. Select scan result

In the Device scan results view select a scan result node with detected partitions.

2. Open the Filter Detected Partition dialog:

  • From the toolbar, click Partition Filter
  • Right-click the partition and click Partition Filter from the context menu

3. Set filter values

Filter by Partition File System

Select the file system that will remain in the filtered partition list.

Filter by Status

Select the partition integrity statuses that will remain in the filtered partition list.

Filter by Size

To restrict the size of a partition to display, click the Filter by Partition Size check box and enter the lowest and highest partition size in MB.

Advanced tab

...filtering will let you filter a partition with specific NTFS or FAT attributes.

File Filter toolbar. Active@ UNDELETE

Press Reset in the Filter Detected Partition dialog to cancel partition filtering.

4. Click Filter to apply filter criteria

List of partitions with attributes that matches selected filter criteria will be shown in result view. Use Reset filter command to return partition list to original state.

Data Recovery

Data Utility

Data Security

Data Backup

CD/DVD Tools